Privacy Policy

1. Name and Address of the Designated Responsible Representative

The designated representative responsible for the collection of personal data on this website is:

Andreas Raddau
Robo Poets UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Sonnenblumenweg 21
DE-26532 Großheide


2. Your Rights

As a user of our website you have specific rights according to Articles 15 to 18, 21 GDPR. By contacting the designated responsible representative, you can exercise these rights:

If you have given your consent to our use of your data, you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us directly.

If you have any reason to file a complaint, you can do so by contacting any supervisory authority. You can contact the one closest to your home or the state supervisory authority responsible for Robo Poets as noted at the bottom of the page.

You can find a collection of supervisory authorities along with ways to contact them here:

3. Collection of General Data and Information

Extent and Purpose of Data Processing

We collect a series of general data and information when you access the website. This general data and information are stored in server log files. Collected may be, the browser types and versions used, the operating system used by the accessing system, an Internet protocol address (IP address), (7) the Internet service provider of the accessing system.

The information gathered is used primarily for purposes such as:

When using these general data and information, we do not draw any conclusions about you. We may analyze the collected data and information statistically in order to optimize our services.

We collect these general data and information in accordance with Art. 6 GDPR based on our legitimate interest in improving the stability and functionality of our websites.


Recipients of the data collected include service providers tasked with maintaining the servers our websites are hosted on.

Storage Duration

Data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to fulfill the purpose of its collection. In case of providing access to websites, this is usually the case as soon as the session closes.

Collection required or necessary

Collection of the aforementioned data is not required by law. Without an IP address, however, Internet traffic and visiting websites would not work. A right to objection is therefore excluded.

4. Embedded YouTube Videos

We embed YouTube videos on some pages of this website. The operating company is YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. With each call-up to one of the these pages, a connection to servers operated by YouTube is established and YouTube gains knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by you. If you are logged in on YouTube, the company is able to collect and store information about your browsing habits. If such a transmission is not desirable, the delivery may be prevented if you log off from your own YouTube account before a call-up to our website is made.

YouTube’s data protection provisions, available at, provide information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google. Google processes your data in the US and has committed to comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield framework:

The legal basis of our embedding of YouTube videos and the transfer of your data is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 GDPR.


Recipients of the data transferred to YouTube include YouTube, Google and possibly their parrent companies.

Storage Duration and Objection

You can deactivate the use of Cookies in your web browser, where you will also find the option of deleting cookies stored on your system.

You can find additional information about YouTube’s privacy policy at

Third-Party Countries

Google processes your data in the US and has committed to comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield framework:

Collection required or necessary

Your personal data is collected solely on the basis of your consent. Should you object to the use of your data, usage and functionality of this website might be limited.

5. SSL Encryption

In order to secure your data during transmission, we use state-of-the-art encryption technology. You can assure yourself about that by making sure that the URL you use to navigate our website starts with “https://”.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to updated the contents of this page based on legal requirements and changes in jurisdiction. We advise that you re-read this pivacy policy regularly to stay up to date.

7. Questions for the Designated Responsible Representative

Questions about privacy protection can be directed via e-mail at:

8. Supervisory Authority

Die Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Niedersachsen
Prinzenstraße 5
30159 Hannover

Tel: 05 11 / 120-45 00
Fax: 05 11 / 120-45 99


9. Validity

The data protection and privacy statement is currently valid and was last amended on 13 May 2019.